RBC Donate
Every year, RBC organizes the Next Great Innovator Challenge where post-secondary students can display their creativity and problem-solving skills to address a question based on a challenge theme. In 2013, for the first time in the event's history, RBC introduced a Prototyping Event to the challenge, thus inviting engineering and computer science students to take part rather than just business students as in previous years. The theme was about social media and the shift it has created in the way people interact with each other and business. The challenge question was to build an innovative prototype for a mobile, tablet, web or desktop app that utilizes the power of social media to seamlessly integrate banking into the daily lives of RBC clients.
The Home page of the app. Portrait screenshot taken from a Samsung
Galaxy W smartphone (Android 2.3.6).
Addressing the question
We found the question to be quite challenging as we felt that banking is an activity that people like to do in private rather than with social media. Hence, we reached a solution that would allow RBC clients to use the banking services that they would want their friends and family to know about.
The solution
We developed a mobile app called 'RBCDonate' that allows RBC clients to make donations to their favourite charities or non-profit organizations, and with every donation, a Facebook post and a Twitter tweet would be made on their personal profiles pledging their support for that particular organization. Users will get a sense of satisfaction by keeping their friends aware about the charities that they support, and the charities get free advertising as the friends who see the wall post or tweet will now be aware of the charities' existences and may even want to contribute themselves. The advantage of the app to RBC is that every wall post and tweet will mention that the RBCDonate app was used by that individual, thereby promoting a strong brand image of RBC being an organization that gives back to the community. Furthermore, non-RBC clients will feel encouraged to set up an account with RBC in order to use this unique app.
There were a lot of challenges building this app given that we only had a week to both come up with an idea and to build a prototype. We coded the app in HTML5 and used Adobe PhoneGap Build to compile the code into an app for Android and Blackberry. Doing this allowed us to make use of the power of web design tools to develop our easy-to-use yet stunning graphical user interface.

The Home page with a menu of options from which the user can choose from. The Twitter and Facebook buttons integrate social media with the app. Landscape screenshot taken from an Asus tablet (Android 4.1).

A list of charities from which the user can choose to support. Landscape screenshot taken from an Asus tablet (Android 4.1).

The team (from left): Kevin Dongbin Lee, Avi Sharma, Jacob Ritchie, and myself

The Home page with a menu of options from which the user can choose from. The Twitter and Facebook buttons integrate social media with the app. Landscape screenshot taken from an Asus tablet (Android 4.1).
The Team:
Avi Sharma
Kevin Dongbin Lee
Jacob Ritchie
Allistair Cota